Improving the appearance of your nails and feet damaged by fungus, bacteria, infections or cracked heels can be daunting. You’ll see the difference as ClearZal® penetrates deeply to help restore and nourish your nails and feet.
- Keep nails clean and dry. This helps to keep bacteria and other infectious organisms from collecting under the nails.
- Nails should be cut straight across and rounded slightly at the tip for maximum nail strength. Only use sharp nail scissors or clippers to avoid ragged edges.
- Use a clean nail file to keep nails shaped and free from snags.
- We recommend sanitising nail instruments after use on a target nail. This is easily achieved by wiping a drop of ClearZal® BAC Nail Solution or spraying ClearZal® Foot Sanitiser over the surface of the nail instrument.
- Do not share or use any other person’s nail file or instrument without sanitising it prior to use.
- If you have an ingrown toenail we suggest that you seek medical advice.
- Always read the instructions carefully; including any warnings for use.
- Keep caps and lids on products when not in use and use the product after opening within the recommended time frame.
- Keep this and all other topical products away from products for use in eyes.
- Avoid storing your products in direct sunlight or near sources of heat and choose dry, cool storage areas where possible.
- Never dilute products or mix with other products (unless directed by the product instructions).
- Apply all topical personal care products with clean hands.
- Avoid sharing your personal care products with another person.
- If you haven’t paid attention to your toenails and their health for some time now, then it’s time you do. Good nail care is crucial to prevent fungus infections, painful ingrown, and skin infections. Therefore, here are tips to help you grow healthy toenails:
- Cleanse Daily Cleansing your feet once per day with mild soap will help remove fungus and bromodosis. Consider using warm water for this, as it can help stimulate circulation to your feet and toes. In turn, it will promote better and healthier toenail growth. Scrub your toenails with a foot brush while you’re bathing and dry each foot thoroughly, especially the areas between the toes.
- Moisturize Your Feet Keep your toenails in excellent shape by moisturizing them on a daily basis. Regular lotion works best, and it can keep the skin around the toenails soft and healthy. You can use nail serums made of essential oils as well to keep them from becoming dry, cracked, or brittle.
- Trim Frequently Don’t let your toenails get too long. Regular inspection and trimming are important. Also, know how to trim your toenails properly—straight across, and never in a curved shape. Straight-across trims will prevent ingrown toenails and bacterial infections. You shouldn’t cut your toenails too short as well. Having a slight bit of nail at the end can protect your toes from possible trauma.
- File Your Nails Use a nail file to smooth out the rigid edges of your toenails. When you do this, it can help prevent hangnails, rips, and tears to the nail.
- Have the Right Diet Your nails on your toes and fingers are made from a protein called keratin. Therefore, you can help your body produce healthy amounts of protein by eating a balanced diet. You can also take vitamins or supplements that support healthy nail growth.
- Wear Proper Socks and Shoes It is essential to wear the right shoes and socks that fit you well. When socks are too tight, they can restrict blood flow circulation, and your nails need to grow strong. On the other hand, shoes that don’t fit properly can lead to black toenails, blisters, and ingrown.
- Get a Massage Nothing beats a good foot massage every now and then, and you’ll be pleased to know that this is good for the nails. Massages can keep the circulation in your feet and toes strong. When there’s good blood flow, it will give your nails the proper blood supply that will help them maintain a healthy light pink color.
- Your toenails require some TLC as well, like the ones your fingernails get. Just because they’re on your feet doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be cared for well. Pink and healthy toenails are attractive, which is why you need to ensure you invest in good toenail care. Use these tips to support better toenail growth and keep them healthier.
- Give your toenails the care that it deserves! After all, you don’t want any problems with them, otherwise, you could get into a lot of pain and discomfort.
- Achieve healthy nails with our help here at ClearZal. We offer proven solutions for all your foot care needs. Shop now!
- Our feet, toes and toenails are often the most neglected parts of our body and do need special attention to keep them in good health and condition. To avoid infection or, to eradicate germs which may cause infection we recommend the following:
- Wash your feet with warm water and soap everyday. Dry all areas thoroughly. To avoid infection or, to eradicate germs which may cause infection use ClearZal® FOOT CLEANSER, a liquid soap wash formulated with Benzalkonium Chloride and tea Tree Oil, which kills 99.9% of the fungus, bacteria and viruses that may cause foot infections.
- Keep nails at a healthy length and not too short which can lead to ingrowing toenails.
- Apply a nutritional crème specifically formulated for feet and legs such as ClearZal® FOOT FOOD™, which contains Aloe Vera, Rosemary, Lavender and Thyme to maintain healthy skin.
- Wear smooth fitting socks. Avoid socks with seams that may create a ridge within the shoe lining.
- Do not wear the same shoes everyday.
- Wear comfortable, well fitting shoes, which do NOT cause pressure in any one spot.
- Should you have calluses or hard skin use ClearZal® HARD SKIN REMOVER. Clinically proven to reduce calluses by 93% in 30 days.
Tips and Tricks For Having Healthy-Happy Feet!
Keep the blood flowing to your feet.
- Put your feet up when sitting.
- Wiggle your toes and move your ankles up and down for 5 minutes, 2 or 3 times a day.
- Don’t cross your legs for long periods of time.
Wash your feet every day.
- Wash your feet in warm, not hot, water every day. Use a product to fight the germs that may cause problems.
- Dry your feet well. Be sure to dry between the toes
Keep the skin soft and smooth.
- Rub a thin coat of skin cream over the tops and bottoms of your feet, but not between your toes.
Trim your toenails each week or when needed.
- Trim your toenails straight across and file the edges with an emery board or nail file
What to do if you have sweaty feet?
- Today we are looking at what sweaty feet are, the causes of sweaty feet, symptoms of sweaty feet, and how to care for sweaty feet!
What are Sweaty Feet?
- Excessive sweating of the feet is called hyperhidrosis. It’s more common in men than in women, and more common in young adults than older adults.
- People whose feet sweat excessively often also have problems with excessive sweating of the palms.
- Excessive sweating of the feet seems to be an inherited problem. Most people sweat when it’s hot out, or when they become warm or often when exercising. People with hyperhidrosis sweat excessively almost all the time.
- The most obvious symptom of hyperhidrosis is feet that sweat excessively. Some people sweat so much that their feet may slip around inside their shoes.
- The feet may also have a whitish, wet appearance; sometimes, foot infections are present as well. (Constant wetness breaks down the skin, allowing infection to set in.) Foot odour is common.
Home Care
- Good foot hygiene is essential. Wash your feet daily with ClearZal® Foot Cleanser; be sure to wash between the toes. Dry the feet thoroughly, then apply ClearZal® Lotion to Powder formulated with Tapioca Starch to absorb the moisture.
Interesting Facts About Feet!
- The record for World’s Largest Feet belong to Matthew McGory who wears US Size 28.5 shoes. (average size 10.5)
- The average person takes 100,000 steps per day. That’s equal to 115,000 miles in a lifetime, enough to circle the world four times.
- The foot accounts for 25% of the bones in the human body.
- The average women walks three miles more per day than the average male.
- There are roughly 250,000 sweat glands on a pair of feet. Sweat glands in the feet product as much as half a pint of moisture each day.
- The pressure on the feet when running can be as much as four times the runners body weight.
- The afternoon is the optimum time to shop for shoes because the feet ten to be more swollen then. 9 of out 10 women wear shoes that are too small for them.
- Finger nails and toenails grow faster during hot weather, pregnancy and teenage years.
- The average foot gets two sizes longer when a person stands up.
- Always read the instructions carefully; including any warnings for use.
- Keep caps and lids on products when not in use and use the product after opening within the recommended time frame.
- Keep this and all other topical products away from products for use in eyes.
- Avoid storing your products in direct sunlight or near sources of heat and choose dry, cool storage areas where possible.
- Never dilute products or mix with other products (unless directed by the product instructions).
- Apply all topical personal care products with clean hands.
- Avoid sharing your personal care products with another person.
Everything You Need to Know About Fungal Nail Infections
It’s typical for adults to experience a wide range of illnesses and medical complications. This is because their body becomes more prone to contaminants in the environment, together with their less-than-optimal immune systems.
Body complications such as cracked and discoloured toenails can be the beginnings of fungal infection. Although it may seem like a simple condition, it can lead to amputations if left untreated. It’s important to know how to identify its symptoms and how to treat them.
Identifying fungal infection’s sources
When your toes and feet are exposed to damp and warm areas, infections can spread and linger around them. These circumstances are likely if you have:
- Gone to a swimming pool
- Walked around locker rooms or moist areas
- Worn sweaty sneakers or socks
- Injured your toenails
- Side effects of Rx Medications
Although you may not experience any symptoms at first, they may develop over time. Fungal infection presents itself through the discoloration of your toenail into green, white, or brown. Your toenail can also become thicker or thinner, causing it to be brittle, broken, or jagged. Sensing pain or foul odor from your toes can also be a sign of growing fungal contaminants.
Misdiagnosing fungal infection with other diseases
The symptoms of fungal nail infections are discoloration on your toenail, change in shape, a foul odor, or pain on your toe. Unfortunately, many people can confuse fungal nail infections with other diseases due to these symptoms.
Ingrown toenails inflict pain to your toe as it grows inward to your skin. On the other hand, infections from bacteria can also hurt your toe and cause swelling around your nail. It’s best to contact your physician if you’re not sure about your condition to receive the right treatment.
A podiatrist, or foot doctor, is the best person to diagnose your condition. Since fungal nail infection can worsen over time, immediate treatment is vital, especially if you have type 2 diabetes. The testing for your condition can be as simple as looking at the color of your nails. However, your doctor may require a sample of your nail clippings to check the fungus inside them.
Preventing fungal nail infections
The best way to prevent fungal nail infections is to extend your hygiene routine. Keeping your hands and feet clean and dry will avoid attracting any moisture for fungi to thrive. Additionally, keeping your nails trimmed will prevent them from going inside your cuticles. Remember to cut your toenails straight across when you do this.
Besides caring for your feet, you should also be cautious of your socks and footwear. When going into locker rooms or pool decks, make sure that you’re wearing slippers or sneakers to avoid contact from the ground. Don’t forget to change your socks and shoes after you get sweaty feet. If you’re prone to sweating, keep an extra pair of socks and sneakers to swap them out during the day while you’re outside.
You shouldn’t underestimate the damage that a foot condition can do compared to a heart ailment. Create a blend of a healthy lifestyle and preventative medical solutions to help you maintain and care for your body.
ClearZal is the leading brand when it comes to developing foot care solutions of any kind. We have a wide selection of topical products with germ-killing and antimicrobial agents to combat viruses, bacteria, and even fungus. Order from us today to receive great deals with our bulk order free shipping packages!
Quality & EffectivenessClearZal® is a leading Footcare brand, with a focus on quality and effectiveness. Specifically developed for the care of your nails, feet and legs the ClearZal® range contains pharmaceutical grade ingredients. This means that the products deliver on the claims made on pack.
Used by the Professionals, ClearZal® products are extensively used by Podiatrists and Foot Health Professionals all over the world to keep nails, feet and legs looking and feeling healthy.
ClearZal® is a cruelty-free brand and does not conduct or endorse testing on animals. We strive to create products that meet both consumers needs and consumer safety, while respecting animal welfare. Our company does not conduct nor request animal testing in order to substantiate the efficacy of any of our products or raw ingredients.
ClearZal Step-by-Step
1. Trim the nail so it does not protrude beyond the tip of the finger or toe. File top of nail to remove damaged nail plate. Skip this step if you wear nail polish or artificial nails.
- File the free edge of the nail with the high quality ClearZal® nail file provided.
- Always sanitise the nail file after use by wiping with ClearZal® BAC Nail solution or ClearZal® Foot Sanitiser.
2. Cleanse the targeted nail and thoroughly dry between all toes and fingers. Use a clean sponge, cloth or brush.
- Apply ClearZal® BAC Nail Solution twice daily morning and evening around the free edge of the nail and the surrounding tissue. Allow the solution to dry and massage it into the nail and surrounding tissue. ClearZal® BAC Antimicrobial Nail Solution will not stain socks, shoes or clothing.
3. Spray ClearZal® Foot Sanitiser on the top, bottom and between toes once daily. Massage thoroughly in the skin. Spray inside shoes prior to putting on and after removing. This will help to prevent the spread of a foot or nail infection. Also recommended for application in hight risk areas such as a gym, swimming pool or in a bathroom/bedroom at home or away.
ClearZal Step-by-Step
- Trim the nail so it does not protrude beyond the tip of the finger or toe. File top of nail to remove damaged nail plate. Skip this step if you wear nail polish or artificial nails.
- File the free edge of the nail with the high quality ClearZal® nail file provided.
- Always sanitise the nail file after use by wiping with ClearZal® BAC Nail solution or ClearZal® Foot Sanitiser.
- Cleanse the targeted nail and thoroughly dry between all toes and fingers. Use a clean sponge, cloth or brush.
- Apply ClearZal® BAC Nail Solution twice daily morning and evening around the free edge of the nail and the surrounding tissue. Allow the solution to dry and massage it into the nail and surrounding tissue. ClearZal® BAC Antimicrobial Nail Solution will not stain socks, shoes or clothing.
- Spray ClearZal® Foot Sanitiser on the top, bottom and between toes once daily. Massage thoroughly in the skin. Spray inside shoes prior to putting on and after removing. This will help to prevent the spread of a foot or nail infection. Also recommended for application in hight risk areas such as a gym, swimming pool or in a bathroom/bedroom at home or away.
Cut down version for amazon and social media:
Easy 3 Step Method:
- Trim and file the top of nail to remove the damaged nail plate.
- File the free edge of the nail with the high quality ClearZal® nail file.
- Always sanitise the nail file after use.
- Cleanse the targeted nail and thoroughly dry between all toes and fingers.
- Apply ClearZal® BAC Nail Solution twice daily morning and evening around the free edge of the mail and the surrounding tissue.
To eliminate reinfecting the nails:
- Spray ClearZal® Foot Sanitiser on the top, bottom and between toes once daily. Massage thoroughly in the skin.
- Spray ClearZal® Foot Sanitiser inside shoes prior to putting on and after removing.
ClearZal® BAC Antimicrobial Nail Solution will not stain socks, shoes or clothing.
Minimal Revision
Easy 3 Step Method:
- File the nail with the high quality ClearZal® nail file.
- Always sanitise the nail file after use.
- Cleanse the targeted nail and thoroughly dry between all toes and fingers.
- Apply ClearZal® BAC Nail Solution twice daily, around the free edge of the nail
To eliminate reinfecting the nails:
- Spray ClearZal® Foot Sanitiser on the top, bottom and between toes once daily.
- Spray ClearZal® Foot Sanitiser inside shoes before and after putting them on.
ClearZal® BAC Antimicrobial Nail Solution will not stain socks, shoes or clothing.
ClearZal Nail Solution has ZERO contamination compared to competitor brush products. Our bottle allows the solution to drop out and there is no contact with the skin or nail.
ClearZal Premium Glass File enclosed is glass and of the very highest quality. It has a smoother and more consistent even surface. This prevents chipping and splitting of nails. Can be repeatedly washed, boiled / steamed in an autoclave or sanitised with a cleaner, or use ClearZal®